
Friday, February 22, 2008

Notice to my Readers:

We are officially on vacation until March 3rd
Please feel free to view my prior posts, there are some great ones there, and I will see you all when I return!

Thanks for reading! I'll be posting some pictures up of our trip when we return.
Thousands of Free Graphics @

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

A Poem By Me:

Thank you for love,
that I could never earn
All I do is clean the house
and let the dinner burn.

I try to do my best,
this you must know
cuz you're always so gracious
even when I blow it.

You're the best person I have seen
you never lose your cool
Instead you just watch me
be the worst that I can be.

Love sees through it all,
So I suppose I'm trying to say
Thank you for loving me,
In your forgiving way.

(Written for my husband of 4 years; thanks for putting up with me.

MySpace Comments
MySpace Comments & MySpace Layouts

Monday, February 4, 2008

Bizzare Dream...

I am a christian, so this dream was especially weird for me. I dreamed I was using a pendulum to find something (cant remember what) but it was trying to move towards the object and someone was trying to interupt it and so I was getting really angry... and then I woke up.

Just weird. :)

I try to find meaning in dreams like this, but I am not sure at all what this could mean, if anything.

Casting Crowns - I Know You're There
The song playing is from this CD: